The Beef Lamb Pork / Stock Up Box
10 lbs, about 30 servings at $3.85 per serving (or $11.50 per pound).
Enjoy Butcher cuts of Birkeland Farm Beef, Crane Creek Lamb, and Wallow and Root Pork to grill, braise, or sear. Each box comes with a pamphlet explaining each cut, cooking tips, and a recipe crafted by our team at Piccone's Corner.
Boxes are ready for pickup within 2 days of ordering. We will notify you when your box is ready for pickup. If you need products more immediately, please click here.
We will hold your box for 5 days after this notification. If you do not pick up your box within this time period, it will no longer be available and you will not be offered a refund.
If you are not able to pick up your box during this time, please reach out to us as soon as possible.
Would you like to add a few more items to your order? Go ahead and grab them below!
10 lbs, about 30 servings at $3.85 per serving (or $11.50 per pound).
Enjoy Butcher cuts of Birkeland Farm Beef, Crane Creek Lamb, and Wallow and Root Pork to grill, braise, or sear. Each box comes with a pamphlet explaining each cut, cooking tips, and a recipe crafted by our team at Piccone's Corner.
Boxes are ready for pickup within 2 days of ordering. We will notify you when your box is ready for pickup. If you need products more immediately, please click here.
We will hold your box for 5 days after this notification. If you do not pick up your box within this time period, it will no longer be available and you will not be offered a refund.
If you are not able to pick up your box during this time, please reach out to us as soon as possible.
Would you like to add a few more items to your order? Go ahead and grab them below!
10 lbs, about 30 servings at $3.85 per serving (or $11.50 per pound).
Enjoy Butcher cuts of Birkeland Farm Beef, Crane Creek Lamb, and Wallow and Root Pork to grill, braise, or sear. Each box comes with a pamphlet explaining each cut, cooking tips, and a recipe crafted by our team at Piccone's Corner.
Boxes are ready for pickup within 2 days of ordering. We will notify you when your box is ready for pickup. If you need products more immediately, please click here.
We will hold your box for 5 days after this notification. If you do not pick up your box within this time period, it will no longer be available and you will not be offered a refund.
If you are not able to pick up your box during this time, please reach out to us as soon as possible.
Would you like to add a few more items to your order? Go ahead and grab them below!
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Prosciutto strip steak picanha swine tail leberkas bacon tri-tip brisket spare ribs frankfurter filet mignon. Salami fatback doner corned beef chicken, meatball t-bone picanha turkey boudin meatloaf sirloin buffalo. Leberkas ham buffalo salami ham hock pastrami brisket. Biltong landjaeger boudin alcatra hamburger. Chislic flank meatloaf buffalo brisket fatback picanha.